Maharashtra MandaL bengalooru has announced Rangadakshini 2007 and it is scheduled on the long weekend of Republic Day, from 25th to 28th of January. This competition features marathi one act plays from various theatre groups and it has been a great entertainment to its audience for past many many years. Even though the competition has been taking place for many years, in the recent past it is generating tremendous amount of traction in the community of marathi theatre enthusiasts.
In its initial form, marathi theatre groups in south india (outside maharashtra) were invited. The response in those days was okay and occasionally bad as not many outside entries used to come. In those days, local entries dominated this competition. Maharashtra MandaL trust then reworked the concept and opened the competition to more location. They chose few organizations which have good reputation from the south maharashtra and invited them for the first time, 2 years ago. Since then, the response has been tremendous. Year over year, the number of groups interested in this competition is increasing and the existing groups are putting up more number of plays compared to their previous year.
Last year, total 16 groups performed at rangadakshiNi and this year the number of entries has increased to 26. MandaL eventually decided to reject some of them and finally this year will feature 20 ekaankikas (one act plays) at the competition. This is huge. Number of entries from places like latur, sangali, kolhapur has increased in number. The energy these teams bring in to the competition is really fascinating. The competition has given these teams a great opportunity to display their talent outside their town and it has created a great platform to bring theatre enthusiasts together with the best of innovative ideas. I think this is an immense drive for people to put up something against a good competition.
I belong to a local group in bengalooru, called YUVA, who is defending the title this year. Unfortunately, I am going to miss this action and really feeling bad about it. :(
I wish 'All the Best' to all the participant groups and the organizers and I am sure that the event will take place in the best of spirits.
Finally, I think, no matter who wins the competition, the rangadakshini concept is already a big winner!
Rangadakshini is a very innovative concept n i well come the same.I am associated with Marathi drama activities since last 25 years n would like to get associated with such activities.I feel this activity should be spread all over n due cognisence should be taken by one n all in the field..All the Best..Shekhar Bendre presently working at Aurangabad, Maharashtra.22.1.2008
when will this same competition will be again held please informe me..... i am also interested to be participant in this competition....
please note down my mail id...
I ma vivek .i like drama .plz give me drama competition informetion .deta for com
My id (vivek.wankar@yahoo,com)
i am onkar. plz inform me about dram competition.on
hi i like to join marathi natak mandal if possible please inferm me im very much intrested for this.
hi is this Rangadakshini still working?
do u have any office anywhere?
pls reply me back as i would be interested in joining.
drama competition sounds grt!!
hi i m yatin. a m also interested to take a part in marathi drama compitition.plz send me details and entry form. last year my script VEESACHE GANIT has been email id
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